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If you have no idea what mobile phone can help your biz, you can see our case study.


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Quick promo straight to customers...

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Our client, they are one of the hi-end cosmetic company (Company A). Company A are holding few 10Ks of mobile numbers from their member database, which is required once a customer fill in member application form. Company A want to regularly update their members of the news and promotion, in order to complete their CRM and also achieve their sales target.

Finally Company A decide to use our bulk sms service (smsattic) to blast sms to all of their members. It is convenience since Company A just assign 1 staff to access to Phonattic web-interface, copy&paste a text and phone numbers, then just blast out! All of their members are currently updated with promotions, news, discount and even cancellation of their roadshow.

Capture more phone numbers?

Later Company A want to have a lucky draw campaign to stimulate the sales. They ask a customer to type the product code gained from a costmatic box and send to number 4XXXYYY to win a latest model of Blackberry phone.

This is our textattic service, which allow Company A to view all of the numbers that join this activity. The company can easily extract those numbers and make a lucky draw easily. Moreover, this campaign can assist the company to capture more phone databases, (the one who never apply for a member, but bought their cosmetics) which Company A can later send news and promotion to their mobile (back to 1st scenario!)

##This is just a simple case! Mobile phone can assist your campaign in every aspect. Pls contact us, and let's see what we can help!##